About Us
Darul Hamd
Darul Hamd Islamic Research Institute is a Non Profit Islamic Organization Perfroming Khidmats in Various Fields. This Insitute Started On 16th July 2016 | 11th Shawwal 1437 Hijri. This Institute is Co-Founded by Hazrat Mufti Tahir Sahab Bakaswala Daamat Barakatuhum. The Main Vision, Mission And Objective Of This Insitute is to spread Islamic Relevant Knowledge to the Ummah at very Disciplined Way.
For the Benifit of Ummah, Various Khidmats are Performed by the Institute :
(1) Audio Books : Many of the Ardent Readers can’t able to read URDU language and so, can’t able to get benifitted by the knowledge of our Islamic Scholars. one of our Daily Activity is to make AUDIO BOOK to spread Knowledge of Qur’an-Al-Kareem. Alhamdulillah, Till Now 16 Books are Ready to Serve ummah. we especially make 5-6 minutes Audio a day, so every one can get time from their hectic scheduel. Then Why Late ? Get Started And Start Listening Now.
(2) Daily Message : Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala And Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had given us Instructions to live the life in a proper way. one cannot be a perfect and successful without the light ot Uloom e Nubuwwat. We Provide Daily Quran And Hadeeth Message in Many Language used here in India ; Arabic, Urdu, English, Gujarati And Hindi and hence all can get benifitted.
(3) Books & Articles : The modern age is known as the Age of Science and the Internet. Current Generation Is more inspired to Facebook, Whatsapp and Internet like a Moth to a Flame. people are far from libraries and books. we serve the topics that can admire peoples to read books and get benifitted. Here are the list of our Published Books And Articles. Also These priceless treasure is made available through the internet for the common benefit of all. Readers are requested to take benefit from it themselves as well as share this resource with their friends. Allāh reward you all with the best of rewards.
(4) Workshops : To Bring awareness among the In every section of the ummah, we also perform various workshops as per needed according to the time. Read Here all our Workshops Rheology.
Here is our Activities

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